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DennisS last won the day on December 15 2022

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  1. Forget about tying in September So here's the old(both flies I haven't tried in many years) Royal wulff parachute(Dennisized) 52 Buick(created by an Albertan) New These flies I just saw somewhere not sure were. I liked and tried them and seemed to work 1. Easy foam fly 2. Minnow pattern I will submit material list a bit later Dennis
  2. Great time was had by all. Fishing was tough but fish were caught. Thank you Dan for organizing the trip. Can't wait for next year. DennisS
  3. Dan Bill and I will be leaving around 7am should be there shortly before 11am Same regarding run off. Below dam should be okay See you tomorrow Dennis
  4. dan just to let you know Brenda won't be going but I will May 4-7 is okay. Dennis S
  5. whiting 100 pak is $34. and their all ready sized Dennis s
  6. If time permits I have found a couple of other patterns with CDC a midge pupa and a hatch master. Lets see what happens with time. Tight Lines Dennis S
  7. With the size that some of the Miur fish are getting a good minnow pattern or leech pattern would be the ticket. I am tying up a Snake pattern on the Jan. 20th zoom meeting that would be a go to for sure. (in black or olive) Dragon Trollers Kilburn Killer would be a good one along with a black Doc Spratley also would try some Kreelex minnows (Gun Metal & Pearlesent) Then a 52 Buick and in the fall wouldn't be without out a good back swimmer (floating and sinking) last but not least my llama leech olive with red bead size 12 only size I use (deadly) Tight lines always Dennis S
  8. Symposium would be great. I went to the one in Grande Prairie and learnt a lot about Grayling. Hopefully the location would be closer to Edmonton. Tight Lines always Dennis S
  9. Had a great day. Very well attended 19 tyers . Thanks to all that made this possible. We must do it again. Tight Lines Always Dennis S.
  10. Great video It has been fun working on this project. Keep up the great work. Dennis S.
  11. heard it was a great time hopefully next yr. Paul the Athabascan is one of Alberta's jems. Way to go. Tight lines always. Dennis S
  12. Do to weather and water levels cancelling this Freeman R. fishing outing. Will try again. Dennis S
  13. Quentin glad to hear your going to be back out to the club again. As Paul and Peter said a lot of the same faces just a bit older. We do have some up and coming new faces. Be sure you bring your water wings with you. It has been one heck!!!!!!!!!! of a wet summer. Dennis S
  14. Hoping to try and fish the Freeman on Thur. jul. 25 for the Grayling survey. Will be at Tim's on 23Ave & Rabbithill Rd. weather permitting leaving at 7am. I have space for 3 more people. Dennis S
  15. Ken great to see and hear. Tight Lines Always Dennis S.
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