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  1. Thanks Everyone! I really should drop by more often. I need to get Cole on a vise asap and then we'll hit the creeks. In the mean time, he's keeping me up late so I can tie a lot of flies.
  2. Awesome Dave! Glad to hear that you some new spare parts. It's a heck of a ride isn't it. All the best in the recovery and remember no sex for at least 6 weeks.
  3. Congrats on the new Kidney Dave. All the best buddy, and a speedy recovery in time for the fishing season next year.
  4. Wow Paul, those are an amazing collection of flies. Nice work.
  5. Umm,,,, It won't let me join Lance.
  6. Just sent you a PM... Captain Condom.

  7. It brings a tear to my eye. I'm glad to see you had some of the ussual Midnight Madness luck. Great looking fish guys.
  8. Good luck tonight guys. Wish I was there to continue the tradition.
  9. Wow looks to have dropped a good deal. I'm sad to have to miss the tradition. Cold or not, you guys had better make it out there. That night in 2005 was darn cold. With the airation holes, the ice should leave a bit quicker.
  10. Too funny. You know something is amiss when the wife doesn't even bat an eye. lol
  11. Great pics Pauline. I sure do miss being able to head down to the club functions. great works guys.
  12. Wow, That's horrible. $hit like that makes no sense. I hope for a fast recovery for you Scott.
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