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Everything posted by Garhan

  1. We have all the flies now. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone. I will go and purchase a reasonable shadow box and mount up these flies over the next little while. Thanks again to everyone that both tied and viewed this thread and those that helped in many other ways.
  2. Jim can we get a photo and receipe and have it posted in WITB.
  3. There are so many choices. But this is all past tense. Going forward set your self up with a few flies that are about to hatch. Next are a series of Caddis flies, Stoneflies, Drakes and midges. A list that I wold carry until well into the summer for streams would be as follows: 1. PT #12-!8 2. GRHE # 10-16 3. Squirrel Tail Nymphs or somethng similar for Skawala Stones and Goldes # 4-8 4. Adult Golden Stonefly- you will find reciepes in "Whats in the Box on the forum. 5. Wulffs and or H&L Varients #10-14 for the drakes that will be coming this summer. 6. Caddis pattern (Elk Hair or others you like in a dark and a light pattern ) # 10-16 7. Caddis pupa- again in "Whats in the Box" (WITB) section of the forum, several good pattern to be found there by catagory.# 12-16 8. Leeches your choice # 4- 12 some weighted some not 9. Beetles (WITB) # 8- 12 10. Hoppers your choice (WITB) has some. #6-8 11. Buzzer/ Chironomids (WITB) # 10-16 12. Adams #10-16 Other than that we can do a coffee and discuss further. But these IMO should be with you all the time. After that we get into specifics and such.
  4. Well Jim, As you post the forum counts your posts and slowly you go from one fly to another. What I decided to do a while back was to tie those flies as my membership changes. And use that as my avatar.I just went from a Silver Rat to a Jock Scott.
  5. Now I have to tie a Jock Scott, shoot. I was trying to avoid that by not posting for sometime
  6. Thanks greatly appreciated.
  7. Come to think about this and the email query. I was told by an executive member a little while back that we do not have a up to date email list and that he gets 50+% bounce back from the current list. So unless someone comes up with a good list for me to use. Then emailing wont work. It seems that this is one reason we dont email our newsletter out to members. So for now we will stay and only post on the forum. Additionally this is for all forum members, so club members should learn how to get on this forum...just thinking.
  8. BJW thank you for your comments, I do understand what you are expressing to us. I would echo Swingwets comment on fly size. Additionally now that we have started on the first plate. I believe consistency is imperative. As well a size 6 makes a considerably better size for viewing, maybe it is just my eyes. There is a good chance that the buyer might wish to by the whole series as they come available every year. The intent is to get all the plates the same every year in case that actually happens. As for getting an early start we can certainly do that. But I don't have the time right now to start on plate 2 for the 2014 auction. But I believe that we can get an earlier start than mid winter. Regarding the email, we can do that, but it will still be posted and open to the public. If the email system becomes to cumbersome a system or method for me. Then I will revert back to just the forum. Unless someone else wants to jump in and do the emailthing, those are my 2cents worth. Cheers, Gary
  9. Garhan


    Hello Justin, welcome aboard the forum. We here at this forum hope that you will enjoy your visits here. If there is anything you would like to ask or share please feel free to do so. I hope that one day you might be able to share with us a little more about yourself. Where you fish, what you fish, why you fish, etc..Do you tie fly's what where and why. Again welcome and please feel free to post or inquire, there are plenty of people here that are willing to help, discuss and share there experience.
  10. Michael I really like this comment. I hope that others will share there learning curve experience. That would almost make this thread complete. Other than a final photo of the shadow box.
  11. We can list of here on this thread. Post yourself up and I will add you to the DONE list as we go. Just a few more to go and the hard part is done. Thanks Rick.
  12. Garhan


    Welcome Albertatrout. Good to see some more new people coming on this forum.
  13. Thanks Barry, your almost done.
  14. Garhan


    Hello Derryl,welcome aboard the forum. We here at this forum hope that you will enjoy your visits here. If there is anything you would like to ask or share please feel free to do so. I hope that one day you might be able to share with us a little about yourself. Where you fish, what you fish, why you fish, etc..Do you tie fly's what where and why.Again welcome and please feel free to post or inquire, there are plenty of people here that are willing to help, discuss and share there experience.
  15. We can list of here on this thread. Post yourself up and I will add you to the DONE list as we go. Dennis thanks for your response. If you can bring them to the house or to Snowolf at a club meeting that would be great. As for the learning curve absolutely correct. I went to another forum where a couple of guys that I consider world class tiers, were very helpful. They detailed it down to a SBS. Not that I got it prefect, but I am working in that direction. This exercise has helped in many ways. Tying off material with 3 wraps or a 3-2 tie off. Dubbing and floss manipulation, and a strong focus on proportions, proper wrapping of tags, collecting of quality material (seems like an oxymoron in Edmonton). Much of this I new but getting lazy in my tying became very apparent and obvious on some of my photos. It is amazing how much stands out when you enlarge the picture and see my mistakes 10 x larger than life….lol..
  16. We can list of here on this thread. Post yourself up and I will add you to the DONE list as we go. Five people left to go. We will wait a little while. And then those that are not turned in I will do myself. Unless others want to help that are already done! But we wont wait long past the end of the month as I want to get these mounted and get on with my summer of fishing.
  17. http://www.flyfisherman.com/2012/05/07/2012-tippet-shootout/#axzz2RbAl8vpk Try this link.
  18. If you are using floss or silks, either wash and scrub your hands or use silk gloves that can be purchased at most sewing shops. Flosses and silks easily absorb oil and dirty off your hands. If you are using 4 strand floss, break it down to two strands or even one longer strand. Do not twist it or coat with lacquer as this will give you a unnatural colour on the coating and twisting it simply is not true to Bergmans style. If you are using floss or silk as a rib, break it down to one strand, again it is to lay flat. You may have to wind and take it off and rewind until it get down flat. But thats OK we are only tying 5 or 6 flies each. The Adder fly I tied with twisting the flos and ribbing material is totally wrong. So don't do it that way. Dan no one will hold it against you if you coat the body. Just saying it isn't true to Bergmans flies. But all this is part of the learning curve.
  19. Deleted, because the situation wasnt as I thought. Poor form not really. More like to busy.
  20. I know you were, haha..but I wanted a confirmation. Everyone get the same opportunity….lol.
  21. We can list of here on this thread. Post yourself up and I will add you to the DONE list as we go.
  22. I am hoping that everyone is on schedule with there flies. The end of the month is coming soon. Two more weeks and then we will be able to start the shadow box. Their have not been to many questions so I will take it that everyone is doing well with there flies and will have them available for the end of the month. Thanks all.
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