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New Executive


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Well as most know Northern Lights Fly Tyers/ Tu Edm chapter had their annual AGM. It was a good evening and we had enough in attendance for quorm. There was a bit to clean up in the club charter which went though without a hitch.


We then we had our annual elections of officers.


First I would like to thank all the members of the retiring Executive for the hard work that was done in the past year. "A big round of thanks to them."


So here we go please bare with the spelling as most know mine is not the best.


President - Dennis Southwick

Vice President - Ken Monk

Treasurer - Meryvn Hasler

Secretary - Peter Little

Membership - Emerson Dober

TU Director - Rick Leblanc

Library - Florin Sabac

Programs - Brian Donnelly

Newsletter - Dave Robinson


I just want to thank every one that has volunteered though out the year and hopefully we can look forward to your further support.


As you know this is our busy time of the year and we will need our members continued support.


Lets make this one of the best years and clubs around.



Dennis Southwick

New Pres.

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A big thank you to the outgoing executive, and a welcome to the new.


Running TU Edmonton / NLFT is a challenge. There are a number of interests, and many voices of support - but it's still a force to be reckoned with. I wish the new executive well, and I know they have the best interests of the club well in hand.


Great job everyone - here's to a great season!

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