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Friday +4* Red Deer River


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... :coffeetime: YOU BETCHA :coffeetime: ...


...fishing regs say this body of water is open until Feb 28th and closes on Mar 1st...what happens when it's a leap year, is it open on the 29th?...

...just thought that I would add this little tidbit...

Edited by Paulf
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We fished the Dickson Dam area, fish were not :vikinjg:: abligine. The day fishen was much needed :rolleyes: , the commradory :drinked: and the weather fit B) . Now its just the wait for spring to hit , and all fish will let loose. :fish_jump:

Signed DipperDan

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So today is a ridiculously gorgeous day out, and I'm getting that fishing itch. So anyone know what the conditions are supposed to be like on saturday? and if Favorable, another question is where abouts on the red deer are condusive to good fishing? I've never fished there before, so just a general idea would be great. I'm not one for teasing out hot spots, so don't worry about that haha


Good Day!


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The Bow , Crow, and North Raven are open this time of year. So Get at it!!!!!!! :vdaylove::fish_jump:

Where abouts are the Crow and North Raven rivers?


the crow's west of Lethbridge and the North Raven is west of Red Deer

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