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Gravity Orange

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I am looking for a rehearsal space for my alternative/ rock band. We are a very serious, very professional/ respectful and need basically a space (heated and with power) that we can have access to (24hr preferably, but Evenings and weekends is fine). and hopefully something that is on the main floor for easy load in/ load out. We will pay good money for the right space. The space doesn't have to be super big, but we would like to put a couple couches in there and such and HAVE TO be able to lock our gear inside so no-one could get to it...with 1000's of dollars of gear I'm sure you can understand that. Something like a business that is only open weekdays and has the extra space would be ideal. Let me know if any of you know of a spot that might work, I would appreciate it. Thanks


Suffice to say this is why I haven't been to any tying meetings, because I have been so busy with the band....but I do plan come to tonights meeting. Cheers :cheers:

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Wish I had a suggestion for ya Orange - but nothing comes to mind...


Hope you find something. I know how important it is to have a good space where you can relax and be creative...


Let me know if you find something - I'll come there to get away from it all and get some tyin done while you play.



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Dink beer

Tie flies

Live band.


How could u beat that?

Yah know... there may be a 'gig' possibilty there (do they still say gig?)... down at "The Gas Pump"... where we hold our executive meetings.. and are thinking about hosting a Flies N Beer thing again. I don't know about practice.... and 24 hour access though.... but if you wanted to practice in front of a live crew.. we could certainly look into that for you. Are yah any good? Got some MP3's posted up anyplace yet? Edited by RangerBob
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Dude - that's awesome...


I'm gonna start trading your stuff on limewire RIGHT AWAY! (I'm kidding - but it's high praise..)


I'm a Punk / Ska / Trance / Ambient guy - but I put on my dirty jeans, and studded wrist bands from time to time... (Snicker) And I'm already Pierced and Tattooed.


I give your stuff a 9 outa 10 on the local scene man. Those demo's are pretty tight, despite a few teeny weak points... I'm impressed any way you cut it though.

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I doubt that we are your style of music RB, but yes we are a good band. www.myspace.com/longwaydown 


We just really need a new rehearsal space, and I just though one of you guys might have a warehouse of something.  Thanks guys, anything you can do I will appreciate

RB would probably listen and enjoy it... he's a renaissance kinda guy. (But he wouldn't "get it" any better than your shop teacher would...) :devil:


Probably not the kind of style they'll be lookin for at the NLFT or FESA auctions - but I'll certainly come listen and drink some beer at a club...

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Thats why I haven't been to any meeting lately, way too busy with the band and being sick! I'll be sure to let you know when the next show is.


I think you're a little (lot) off on the Skid Row ABH, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I like that band so I consider that a compliment. Those tracks on there are older tracks and not the mixed down studio versions. Also, one thing I have come to realize as a musician is that theres always people that think you sound like someone else...eventually it all gets rooted in blues or the beatles anyways.

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theres always people that think you sound like someone else...eventually it all gets rooted in blues or the beatles anyways.

GAH! Beatles?


Its all from either Toots or Bruce Dickenson. Or Both.


Can you imagine? Rime of the Ancient Mariner - with horns and uptempo guitars?



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Also wanted to let you know that part of our song "around the bend" http://www.myspace.com/longwaydown is featured on the commercial for the ultimate fighting that is happening at the shaw conference center soon. We are in the process of doing a video for that song and if it gets done, there is a possibility it will be played at the conference center during the ultimate fighting.

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Nice Job on the vid! Which one are you if you dont mind me asking? ei vocals, drum, guitar?


Looks like you guys are starting to do very well for yourselves WTG!



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